Reusable packaging in the catering industry
Reusable packaging: For some time now, it has been indispensable in many sectors of the catering industry. Since the introduction of the new reusable packaging requirement, reusable products have become very important for almost all catering establishments. However, it makes sense to increasingly use reusable packaging in your restaurant or snack bar, and not just for legal reasons! In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about modern take-away packaging - and also why it is worthwhile for you too.
Everything about reusable packaging
Welcome to our FAQ page on reusable packaging! Here we answer the most common questions about reusable packaging - from materials and cleaning to sizes and possible uses. Whether you run a sustainable business or simply want to learn more about environmentally friendly alternatives, you will find all the important information at a glance here.
What are examples of reusable packaging?
What are examples of reusable packaging?
Reusable packaging in the catering industry includes reusable cups (both reusable coffee cups and reusable drinking cups for soft drinks and alcoholic beverages) and reusable food containers (from reusable pizza boxes to reusable salad bowls). Reusable cutlery is often listed as an example of reusable packaging in order to create awareness of versatile alternatives not only to disposable packaging, but also to conventional disposable cutlery.
Who is subject to the reusable requirement?
Who is subject to the reusable requirement?
The reusable requirement applies in principle to all catering establishments that offer food and drinks to take away. This includes cafés, restaurants, snack bars and delivery services. The only exceptions to the reusable requirement are small-sized establishments (maximum of five employees or maximum of 80m² of sales area).
How does the reusable system work?
How does the reusable system work?
The reusable system usually works on the basis of a deposit system. Customers pay a deposit fee when making a purchase, which they get back when they return the reusable packaging. After it has been returned, the reusable packaging is cleaned by the restaurateurs and then offered to the next customer as an alternative to disposable packaging. This completes the environmentally friendly cycle.
What are the disadvantages of reusable packaging?
What are the disadvantages of reusable packaging?
A reusable system has more than just advantages, which we don't want to hide. Firstly, there are the acquisition costs: reusable packaging is more expensive than disposable packaging, which is why more money has to be spent when initiating a reusable system. Secondly, there are the logistics: the return and cleaning system has to be well organised to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Finally, strict attention must be paid to hygiene in order not to endanger the health of consumers.
Welche Vorteile haben Mehrwegverpackungen?
Welche Vorteile haben Mehrwegverpackungen?
Doch wurden die Mehrwegverpackungen einmal angeschafft, ein Mehrwegsystem eingerichtet und für hygienische Standards gesorgt, so überwiegen die Vorteile von Mehrwegverpackungen deutlich.
- Kosteneffizienz: Langfristig sind Mehrwegverpackungen kosteneffizienter. Die einmalige Anschaffung weniger Mehrwegverpackungen ist günstiger als die erneuten Anschaffungen vieler Einwegverpackungen.
- Umweltschutz: Mehrwegverpackungen reduzieren Abfall und den Einsatz von Einwegplastik erheblich. Auch wird bei der Reinigung wiederverwendbarer Verpackungen deutlich weniger Energie verbraucht als bei der Produktion neuer Verpackungen.
- Image: Gastronomiebetriebe, die auf Mehrweg setzen, verbessern ihr Umweltimage und ziehen umweltbewusste Kunden an – von denen es in Zukunft immer mehr geben wird.
- Gesetzeskonformität: Die Einhaltung der Mehrwegpflicht schützt Dich vor möglichen Strafen. Zudem ist absehbar, dass immer striktere gesetzliche Auflagen für Einwegverpackungen kommen werden, denen Du einfach zuvorkommen kannst.
Letztlich profitiert nicht nur die Umwelt von Mehrwegverpackungen, sondern auch Du selbst. Handle nachhaltig, ziehe mehr Kunden an, und spare Geld: Steige jetzt auf Mehrwegverpackungen um!